What is News?


News, as the word suggests, is current information about something that has just happened or is happening. It is the kind of thing that you might hear about on the radio or television in the morning, read in a newspaper, or find online. Most people get their news from a variety of sources. They might watch a news program on TV, read a few newspapers and magazines in addition to looking at different websites or reading blogs. This is because they are seeking a variety of viewpoints and a deeper understanding of the events and issues that are being reported on.

The main characteristics of News are timeliness, drama and consequence. Events that are current and happening are newsworthy because they have a direct impact upon the lives of the people affected by them. They also have a dramatic impact, because they are unusual and out of the ordinary.

In addition to these two elements, a story is more likely to make the news if it has an element of good versus bad. In other words, if someone is being robbed at gunpoint it makes for big news because there are clear good and bad actors in the situation. On the other hand, if a person is walking their dog or taking the bus to work it is not as much of a news item because these are normal everyday occurrences.

Other elements that contribute to the strength of a news story are proximity and narrative. These are things that happen near to the home of the reader or listener, or that affect them in a way which is easily understood and emotionally engaging. If a large number of people are affected by the event it is often considered to be a bigger story, and this can have political or economic implications.

If a person or organisation is alleged to have done wrong it can make for significant news, because the public wants to hold these individuals accountable for their actions. News media play a crucial role in promoting accountability, by providing coverage of corruption and unethical behavior.

The key to writing great news articles is knowing your audience. This means asking yourself the 5 W’s (who, what, where, why and how). You should also consider the tone of your article; for example if you are writing about a serious issue it is often appropriate to use a more serious tone than if you are writing about a light-hearted topic. It is also important to include enough information so that the reader can form an opinion about the subject, even if this is a very different one from your own. The more the reader learns, the more engaged they will be with your article. This is why a good news article always includes links to additional information about the topics discussed. This can include contact details, further facts and expert opinions. Finally, when referring to persons it is important to always use the full first name or both initials to avoid jarring the reader with an abrupt switch of person.