Definitions of Technology


Technology is the systematic application of knowledge to achieve a practical goal. It is widely used in a wide variety of fields. It is used to develop and produce new artifacts that enhance the quality of our lives. It is an essential element of our modern society. We cannot imagine our lives without it. However, there is a downside: it can be very expensive to develop and apply new technologies.

Instrumental definition of technology

The Instrumental definition of technology refers to the way technology is used by humans to accomplish their goals or to solve problems. According to Heidegger, technology is not an end in itself, but rather a means to an end. According to Heidegger, technology is the network of equipments humans use to solve problems and achieve their objectives.

According to Heidegger, technology is a way of revealing knowledge and technique. He also considers the term “technology” to be a way of making something. By defining it this way, Heidegger aims to clarify the relationship between technology and truth.

Combinatorial definition of technology

The combinatorial definition of technology is a way to look at technology as a process that evolved from earlier technologies. It is different from Darwin’s definition in that new technologies do not spring from incremental changes to older technologies, but by combining and integrating the ideas from earlier technologies. This is the basis for the concept of technological evolution.

The combinatorial definition of technology is a common conception of invention in the biological and socioeconomic domains. This concept describes the invention process as an adaptive search within a space of combinatorial possibilities. In economics and management science, combinatorial processes are considered the principal source of technological innovation.

Articulate definition of technology

An Articulate definition of technology includes the application of scientific knowledge in a practical application in industry. Technology also includes machinery that is developed from this knowledge. In the 2009 book The Nature of Technology, W. Brian Arthur outlines three different conceptions of technology. Each conception has its pros and cons, and each one can be helpful or counterproductive in certain contexts.

Emerging technologies

Emerging technologies are those technologies whose development and practical applications have not yet been fully realized. They may also include older technologies that are finding new uses. These technologies are seen as having the potential to disrupt the status quo. As a result, they are often the subjects of research and development. But what exactly are emerging technologies?

One category of emerging technologies is artificial intelligence. This technology involves computer programs that mimic the human senses and thought processes. Applied to health, AI can be used to diagnose diseases. Big data is also being used to develop climate action plans. Meanwhile, 3D printing can reduce carbon emissions and help recycle used materials. Moreover, virtual and augmented reality technologies may be successfully integrated into education.